You found this post and title for a reason. You are interested in health and living a full and fruitful life. Some years back, I suffered a widow-maker heart attack which almost took my life. By the Grace of God and some fantastic doctors, I survived the beast.
Soon after recovering I started taking life more seriously. What I ate, how I lived my life, the changes that needed to be made to offset the damage of the heart attack and seeking wisdom and knowledge about eating healthy foods. I would say over the years, I have read thousands of hours of information about health, healthy eating, the heart, heart health and many other articles surrounding everything that I could find especially about heart health and other situation surrounding the after effects of a widow-maker heart attack.
If you are in that place. Looking for information about your health regardless of the reason. You have volumes of information at your finger tips. Simply perform a search on health, heart health, healthy foods or whatever you are interested in trying to understand. There is a lot of great information to be found online on some very informative sites.
Live long and prosper as they say ... do your homework, and eat healthy.