Finding God's Love In Times of Need

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, (favor, love-gifts), that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. 

Your value to God is not based on your performance; it is based on His love for you, Hebrews 4:14-16, in spite of what you have done in the past.  God does not place conditions on His love for you, because He loves you unconditionally.  Realize that God doesn’t wink at sin, but is wanting you to bring your sins to Him.  He does not want you to confess them because He is unaware of them, but because He wants you to admit what you have done.  The Lord is more interested in you, than what you do.  His desire is to make you a reflection of Himself, to cause others to have a desire to come to Him as well.  Bring your needs and frustrations to Him, expecting Him to help you.  He wants to work in and through you in a mighty way.

For He so loved you that He gave ALL.  He did so that you might have an everlasting life.  Turn every care into a prayer and leave it there!